Friday, June 19, 2009


Anybody who knows me well knows that I have a great appreciation for graffiti. I seriously think it is one of the most beautiful things in the entire world. I know it is illegal, but that just makes it even better :). People can take a boring alley or train car and transform it into something beautiful and unique. So, I googled some pictures and the history of graffiti and here are the things that struck me most interesting:
1. Tagging and Graffiti are pretty much the same thing. Tagging is more like leaving your 'name' or marking your territory,
2. Dates back all the way to Greece and Rome.
3. Comes from the word 'graffito' which is Italian for scratched.
4. Modern graffiti is used as a form of expression by many political activists and also many gangs to mark territory.
5. There's this guy they call him, amazing! He does a lot of political graffiti and is the most well-known graffiti artist. He has remained anonymous for several years.

Here are some of my favorite pictures that I have found...amazing!

This some graffiti that I've seen in my travels. I absolutely love it. Train in Florence, Italy.

Run down toilet in Munich, Germany.

They told me I was supposed to go to the bathroom in this haha no way! It was awesome to look at though.

Sarah couldn't understand why I loved it so much. How can you not? It is so awesome. Maybe I'll have to research it more and do a report on it or something.

People say graffiti is ugly, irresponsible and childish... but that's only if it's done properly.


  1. i went and googled bansky as you suggested.. wow. he's all kinds of clever!

  2. That's what I thought. I spend all my time doing things like that instead of homework.
