Monday, June 15, 2009

My Possible Leap in the Dark

I'm completely aware that I should be doing my homework--I know that's why I came to the library and i will hate myself for procrastinating...but not until later. These last few weeks have been a lot crazier than usual. A LOT of things have gone down and my plans have, yet again, changed. I will no longer be staying in Rexburg for the Fall semester as previously planned. My current plan is to travel with the International Language Program to either Tehuacan or Puebla, Mexico. I haven't made any concrete plans, but this is my leap in the dark. I have so many things that I could be doing--my options are endless, but this is the one I am going to go with until I am told otherwise. I would be teaching English to young people from Mexico--that would help not only my Spanish, but my English teaching--two things that I really want to do. Earlier on in the semester my friends and I had a talk about how sometimes the hardest decisions are those that are between two good things. I have had the same discussion with my mom on several occasions and this is one of those situations. I am going to choose Mexico until the Lord tells me otherwise and right now I could not be more excited.

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