- To bait a hook.
- Drive a car.
- All my wrestling moves :)
- To box out.
- Ok, really anything I know about sports I learned from my dad. He's been my coach many many times.
- If I needed to I could probably survive in the wilderness for a short time or at least find my way back to civilization.
- To shoot a gun.
- To change a tire or change the oil.
- To ride a horse.
- To skip a rock.
- To braid--it wasn't with hair. It was actually by a riverbed with three blades of grass tied together.
- I can tell several different animal tracks and poop (hehe) apart.
- To bugle for elk.
- Finding Indian beads in ant piles.
- To tease people.
- How to use tools.
- I think he tried to teach me multiplication with some chocolate chips once. It didn't work-- I'm not very smart.
- To set up a tent.
- He introduced me to John Wayne...oooo and Patrick Wayne!!!
- He taught me to be a hard worker and to be grateful for everything that I have.
I love you so much Dad. Thank you for everything that you are doing for me and for everything that you have taught me. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!
Good to hear of what a blessing a Calvin Gardner can be!
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