Sunday, June 19, 2011

Father Dearest

I realize these last two blogs make me look like an awful daughter, because this is all I do for my parents' special days, but I have done better in the past and will do better in the future.

I didn't get a present in the mail in time and so I decided to write a letter to my dear, old dad. Here it goes...

Nivlac Rendrag, I was going to buy you True Grit and send it to you, but I didn't get it out in time. Sorry. So, I just decided to write you a letter to tell you how thankful I am for all the hard work you have put in on my behalf in order for me to have a stable home. I've never been afraid that I will have nowhere to go because I know that you will always take care of it and keep our family safe. You will do and have done everything in your power to provide for and protect our family.

I know that I don't tell you enough, but I am really proud to have you as a father. Aside from telling all your awesome bobcat and mountain lion stories to everyone, I also can tell them that I have learned, through your example, that I can be anybody I want to be. Just because I may feel that I have experienced something unfair, I know that that does not determine who I become--it doesn't shape me. I know, because I have watched you throughout my life, that I can be a good person, despite all the bad in the world.

I couldn't ask for a more perfect father than you for me.I love you dad.

EednyL Rendrag

P.S. The image quality is pretty bad, but this is still my favorite picture ever.

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