So, I was having a very hard time starting
this post. I feel like a blog post is a very lame
way to express gratitude for someone who
has given up all that they have, just to
see you happy, but here it is anyway.
A few reasons why I love my mom:
1. She is FUN-ny! The other day I told her that these people in the library were being obnoxious and she asked, and I quote, "Have you tried farting?". She is always saying ridiculous things to me that just make me realize that I have the funniest mom on earth.
2. She has put up and still puts up with a ton of my lame stories.
So, I have the tendency to over-analyze things and in high school I was an idiot and had a crush on this guy. If the guy so much as sneezed in my direction I came home to my mother asking her what it meant. Not kidding. I really did. She was always reassuring and motivating and still is, no matter how obnoxious I must be.
3. She is a bad-butt. No joke. Let me explain...
So, I live next to this old abandoned highway called
Picnic Hill. From the cattle guard all the way up and
back again is 4 miles. I can remember a time
in the last 5 years when my mother could run up
and down this old road, do a few sprints up a small
stretch of hill and then come home and do a Taebo(?)
tape. May a remind you that she was in her forties
at this time.Ya, my mom can kick your mom's butt.
O! And also, she had a kid at 45. 'Nuff said.
4. I am more comfortable around her than any other person.
I feel like when I am around her. I am the person that I want to be. She brings out the best in me and always makes me want to be better.
5. I never need a best friend because I have my mom. She is my best friend.
Mom, I love you so so much. If I didn't have you around I don't even want to think about where I would be right now. I know sometimes you think that you aren't doing enough for us kids, like you haven't done enough and our mistakes are your fault. You do more than enough. You taught us everything we need to know about who we need to be. You are, without a doubt, the best mother this world has ever seen.
And so, I've decided to get you a present. You are going to have to wait quite a while though. See, I have to write a novel first, then sell it to the masses. After this though, I'm going to get you a really great gift. Eh? I think I've outdone myself this time, right? It's yellow, which I do not agree with, but I know you like it. And also, it has the wrap around deck. We'll get you a few people to keep it clean and a little chair to ride up the stairs in. You can thank me later.

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