Thursday, April 8, 2010

First time for somethings...

I don't know why I'm still awake, but I'm bored so seeing as how the semester is almost over I'm gonna talk about it. I always tend to think o man! this is my last winter in Idaho or this is my last new testament class or I will never see hot Hispanic man in class again. So, instead of doing that and getting everyone really depressed I'll talk about some firsts that I had this semester. Some were probably more exciting than others, but they were ll monumental for me.

First time having GUMBO!!
So so so awesome and spicy!

Photo by Ashley.

First time to be present
at General Conference.
So so so blessed and enlightened.
Photo by Hannah Monslama!

First time to ever enjoy
a dance party...ever!
Call me a party-pooper, but I hate
dancing. However, this time was fun.
Probably because we were celebrating
Elvis's birth. How could you be unhappy
on such a monumental day in history?

First time to go sledding
on a pizza pan.
Photo by Kellie via Lyndee's camera.

First time to have two of my best
friends serve the Lord.
This one came with two other firsts.
First time to buy a book of stamps.
First time to send a letter out of the states.

Some I wasn't lucky enough to catch on camera, but they need mentioning.
First time to rock climb.
First time to attend a yoga class or step class.
First time to feel comfortable with my career choice.
First time to return to a university for more than one year.
First time to enjoy getting up at six in the morning.
First time to spend Easter with a family other than my own.

Eh, I think that's it. I'll add some more if I think of them, but I think I did pretty good.
I'm gonna start a bucket list next. Next semester's list will be even greater.

#1- Learn my name's sake...the Lyndee Hop aka Lindy hop...

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