Friday, March 12, 2010

Very late update...

So, I realize that this is way past due,
but I figure it's time for the family to finally meet my new roommates.
So, here they are.

A group of us hiked "R" Mountain last weekend and
here is where you will meet my new roomies.

This is my new room-roomie Rachelle. She is Nikki's (my old roomie) little sister.
She is super crazy and super fun as you can tell by her picture.
She's pretty messy like me so I don't even feel
bad if I don't put my stuff away all the time.
She seriously cracks me up all the time with the crazy stuff she does.
I luh her!

This is my other new roomie. Her name is Mary.
Mary is from the same place that Nikki and Rachelle are from and she is a total hippie.
She eats crazy organic food, has marijuana pants and she is six days older than me.
She is putting her mission papers in, just like me!!
She is such an awesome person. She just makes the day so much easier.

Ok, you'll meet my next roommate in a bit.
She didn't come with us on the hike so I'll finish the hike first.

This is Justin, Kellie and Hannah pondering their existence...ok...not really,
but they could have been. Look at that view!!

This is the group mean muggin'.
I am proud to say that I have mastered the mean mug all thanks to the Farwell sisters.
All the girlies. Mary forgot her glasses.
There was a waterfall! I stood over it haha.
I am flashing the piece sign not because I am an Asian tourist, but because
I am showing you how many legs it takes to stand over a waterfall. is the last new roommate. Ashley (far right) is from Oregon.
She is a recent convert and is engaged to this guy named Zach.
We don't see her much, but what we do see of her is pretty awesome.
Occasionally I question whether or not she really does exist because I'll
go days without seeing her. But she's a real fun girl.
She's getting married in about a month!

This picture was taken at our awesome dance party that we had at the beginning of the semester. Seriously, our poor little apartment was about to bust from all the people in it.
Anyway, there are the new roomies. I need to keep up with this better...

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