Friday, December 18, 2009

Last Day of Work.

So, it was my last day of work and I'm already sad. We had our Christmas party and I almost cried when they gave me their present (it was an apron with all their names and thumb prints on it). I seriously don't know how I'm going to live with out them. The teachers, as well as all the kids. Mrs. Benson and Mrs. Porter and Mrs. Fox are all such great ladies and they have taught me so much. And watching and getting to know all the the little kids has really taught me and changed me so much. I can't even put into words how much I have learned and how much I have been blessed. I'm going to miss them so so bad!!! I'm not allowed to put names with the pictures so you'll just have to imagine.

These are all kids on the bus that I rode on for three hours every day. This little boy was the one that I got to sit by and help. I've seen him progress so much in just the short time that I have been with him. He really made me love my job.

HAHA long story...

This is Mrs. Benson's Kindergarten class. We had a gift exchange today. The looks on their faces were just priceless. Children make everything so much more exciting than it really is. I wish I could be more like them. So honest and so forgiving. I tell you what, if you ever want a very challenging/rewarding job be a special ed. aide. But I loved it and I'm so thankful for the chance that I had to learn and grow.


  1. that kid with his head down on the table.. did you drink all his chocolate milk?? jerk! haha

  2. haha no his mother forgot to send money with him that day so he had to eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich and he really wanted pizza. And this little boy loves his food so he was super unhappy.

  3. I love the pictures and I loved having your company on the bus.... I know we'll see you again! Good luck with school and preparing for your mission!
