Friday, November 27, 2009


I'm thankful for a lot of things these days. I look at things when they come my way and sometimes I just don't think I deserve them. Truly, I am very blessed. Here are a few of the things that am very grateful at this point in my life:
  1. My Job-I know that jobs are hard to come by these days. I know it isn't the best pay, but I couldn't ask for a better job. I love it!
  2. Federal grants- Words can not describe how thankful I am for this.
  3. Modern Technology- Specifically in the medical field. I will in the next few months have to get my wisdom teeth yanked out of my head and I am so thankful that I won't feel most of it.
  4. My friends-True friends are hard to come by. And I am so thankful for the ones I have.
  5. Freedom- I am so thankful that I am free to go to school, to study what I want, to believe in what I know is true, to live and do what I want. I am so thankful to those that fight to protect these freedoms for me.
  6. My family- Perfection--what can I say?
  7. My faith- On days when I don't think I can do it anymore I can turn to the scriptures or a lovely conference talk and I know that there is always hope--always.

Ummm...I think that is all. I am so thankful to have things to be thankful for. Think if you couldn't think of anything to be thankful for...wouldn't that be the craps? O ya, the little project I talked about is underway. I should have some pictures up here in a while.


  1. lyndee, i'm thankful for YOU.
    i loooooooooooooove you!

    ps: i'm excited to see your little project!

  2. My gratitude goes out to all of those...for real, you stole the words from my mouth. I just haven't experienced #3 yet...I miss you girl.

  3. i miss you guys! the closer it gets the more excited I am to see you.
