Friday, November 13, 2009

I need to get a life...

I've spent like the last hour and a half organizing and updating my music. For the evening my personal favorite is this song because it reminded me of this version by Ella Fitzgerald. She was so good!! Also, this one is good too. Am I wierd?


  1. no, you're one of the few sane ones. i don't know how people can put up with disorganized/mislabeled/unlabeled libraries...

    and ella fitzgerald was a total bad-a.

  2. i second what justin said and add the following:
    i do that every week.
    no joke.

    and you're not weird for loving that 5th dimension song. it's catchy! at least you don't like a miley cyrus song.

    i'm still ashamed.

    AND ella is my favorite. i think i have more ella fiztgerald songs on my ipod than any other artist.

    if i could have the voice of anyone in the world, i'd pick her.

  3. HA HA thanks guys. I feel a little obssesive compulsive when i do it haha.

    I ride the bus with this special needs boy everyday and the bus driver and I rock out to the oldie's station. The high school kids look at us funny, but I'm ok with that. haha
