Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Miss Lyndee...I like the sound of that!

source: flickr

So today I started my new job and already know that I am going to love it. I'm a teacher's aide for a kindergarten class. I'll be helping the teacher out, but mainly helping this sweet little girl, Megan. I'm at the same school that I went to Kindergarten at, but this time I get to see the other side of the educational system. It turns out all aides don't want to ruin children's fun and lives--they just want to keep you safe. I've been called "teacher" three times already today and I kinda like it. Maybe someday I'll be brave enough to venture out of the primary school and teach the grades that I am going to school for...maybe.


  1. Miss Lyndee!... it's so exciting. I finally got a cool and official name tag that says Mr. Bealer on it. I'm so excited.

  2. Hooray for Jon!! We're gonna be the coolest teachers around haha
