So, today I was listening to my roommate talk to her best friend who just got engaged. There was a lot of giggling and "Oma gosh! I am so happy for you!" 's. I'm totally ok with that-- marriage is great. I am SO for marriage, but what she said next kicked me in the gut. She said "O Sarah! Now you can start being happy".
That made me so sad. Why is it that we think we can't be happy until we're married? We always talk about how we can't wait to get settled down so that we can start our life...we are in our life!!! This is our life--right now! We should be happy everyday because we are living our life. If we aren't happy now, marriage isn't going to make us happy. Chances are if we are wishing away our lives now, we are going to be wishing away our lives when we are married. If we are always waiting for something better to happen we will never be able to appreciate what we already have.
Anyway, I should get back to homework...just a little food for thought.
Amen sistah!
ReplyDeleteErr that is kind of scary. I hope she didn't mean it like that...
ReplyDeleteIf she did, will you tell here that you can have the best day of your life... EVERY day of your life :) All in the attitude baby.
true dat true dat true dat true dat........
ReplyDeletesorry. been listening to a tribe called quest.
anyways yeah that's a trap that's easy to fall into anytime. you gotta make plans, but you have to live in the present. you don't really get a choice there.
so true.
ReplyDeleteand so sad that people really believe that marriage or some event in the future is the only vehicle in life that yields happiness and joy.
i'm really glad you posted this because it's something i really needed to be reminded of.