Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Pumpkin Patch!

So, you know how I have a pretty awesome job? Well, last week the entire Kindergarten got to go over to Snowflake to the pumpkin patch. It was so much fun. The little kids got to pick their own pumpkin and we got to take them through the corn maze. I love fall and I love little kids!

I'm not allowed to put their names with their pictures because of legal stuff, but look at this little guy. HAHA he just stood there giggling. He said "How could I ever pick just one? "

Goofy faces after the corn maze.

So cool, right?

So these three boys have so much energy that they could power a small city, but two of them only speak Spanish so we hang out haha. They always tell me how to say certain words in Spanish and I'm always correcting their English. It's fun.

This kid is one of my favorites. He's a tank and never pays attention. The only way I can get him to behave is by threatening to eat his lunch. He fell asleep on me about 10 minutes into the ride. Love him!

These two kids are the best behaves children on earth. They always finish their work first and I'm always having to tell them to leave their work and go play. All the little girls love them. They begged me to sit with them on the bus, but another girl beat me too it. haha

I'm not going to say this is the easiest job in the world because it's not. Today I had to drag a kid down the hall while she was trying to beat me up. I'm completely frazzled by the end of the day and I've got a cold from all the nose wiping I get to do, but I don't think I've ever had a job that has been more rewarding. I love to help the little kids. They are just so fun. I love it!


  1. i'm dying over the latino boys.
    SO CUTE.
    they're ALL so cute.

    i miss my ninos.
    you'll miss yours, too, come january. i promise.

  2. haha ya they are precious. they made me so mad the other day though, so I kept them in side for recess and now they mind haha. I still love em though.
