Saturday, September 26, 2009

Last week at school...just a little late.

Just a little late...haha. These are some pictures of our group of friends last evening together. We went out to eat and had a little fun outside the restaurant afterwards. I would have taken more pictures, but my camera was dying, so this is all i got.
Justin and Hannah! haha
All of us inside. This picture kinda stinks.
Ha HA this is my play dough that I got from my mother. Justin improved it--you would, Justin.

And these are of Justin and Jon showing us there awesome dance moves. haha
It's a bummer you can't see it better, but they are so funny.
Nikki haha "you are the dancing queen".

I miss my Idaho friends so much!
Three and a half more months!!


  1. i forgot to comment on this entry when it was initially posted, but i just wanted to tell you now that these videos saved my life.
    i have never laughed so hard.
    love you, lyndee!

  2. haha they are pretty funny huh? I miss these guys!
