Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Happy Fourth!!

Finals week is fast approaching, so it's been kinda busy and I haven't posted much, but these are my favorite pictures from my Fourth of July weekend. The Fourth of July is, seriously, almost as big as Christmas in Eagar--it seems like people just flock there and the town gets pretty busy. I love it so much. I'd just like to share a quick story. I know Mandy is gonna kill me if she reads this, but it needs telling.

My friend Mandy and I were sitting in the Salt Lake City Airport waiting for our flight to start boarding. We we're attempting to do some homework when a young soldier walked by. It was Fourth of July Eve and Mandy, being the amazingly compassionate person that she is, said that she should write him a letter and go give it to him. So, she began writing a very touching letter with words of encouragement and sincere gratitude of how much she admired his sacrifice and his service. I helped her a bit with her spelling (haha) and helped her word a few phrases, so she let me sign my name as well. When finished, she didn't think she could go through with it, but with enough prodding from me she finally did. I know Mandy's words must have made his day. She is so patriotic and such a great example to me. Read her Fourth of July blog here.

So, as the weekend went on I tried to keep the sacrifice of all the great men and women that serve or have served our nation in my thoughts. We truly are blessed to live here. I love America and I am so proud to call it my home.

These were at our fun, little fireworks show.
They all didn't turn out quite right, but I think they're kinda fun.

Brennon John!


Some of the fam waiting to see the parade.

My family is lucky enough to own some of this land.
We had our family reunion here. Isn't it just perfect?

These were the biggest mallows ever! Abby would not hold still.
Birthday pictures are soon to come. I promise.

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